Intuitive Mind/Body Support
Intuitive Mind/Body Support
Intuitive Mind/Body Support is an offering to help you become more aware of how your thoughts are inferring messages to your body and vice versa. What’s your relationship to your thoughts (how you perceive) and your body? The blocks in the mind and body can be tough to see through our own lenses. There is an element of shadow work in these sessions to bring what’s unconscious (unaware) to your conscious so you can begin to notice and interrupt patterns. Intuitive Mind/Body Support can be done as a stand alone session online or added to a Massage Therapy Session. When you blend Intuitive Mind/Body Support with Massage it becomes more of a Somatic experience and can help the mind and body let go with more ease. If you are experiencing any of the following:
*Something in your thoughts that is on repeat, looping in a way that is disturbing, or constantly coming up repeatedly through out your day. *If you have trouble trusting your own decisions *It’s challenging for you to hear your body’s messaging (signs and symptoms) *If you struggle to be/feel connected to your body
* If you want to experience change in your life but you don’t know where to begin
If you can relate to any of the above examples, I invite you to explore an Intuitive Mind/Body Support Session with me. What you actually receive in these sessions:
A deeper understanding of how your thoughts/feelings affect your body
Soften and stretch your perspectives so your body can hold your thoughts/feelings more comfortably.
How to increase and trust your own Intuitive ability
Strengthen your relationship to yourself and your body
These sessions aim to serve as a safe container to catalyze change and to shift/clear energy as well. Energy clearings can last longer if your mind doesn’t loop immediately back to the same pattern.
*If you have specific questions about this offering please email or call!